Tuesday 21 April 2020


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Year 4 CEFR English - Module 4

Do you know how to say the date?
Let’s watch:
In Malaysia, we normally say the day before the month.
For example: 21st April, 
                      2nd May, 
                      30th June....

You may also watch these video to reinforce what we have learnt.

Now, it’s your turn to read these.

Can you read them?
If you can, congratulations!
If you can’t, watch the video and try again.

Activity 2:
Do you know any special celebrations in your family or in your country?
List them in a table.
You may also include some popular celebrations in other countries. You can get the information from the internet.

Example:  Special Day - date
• my birthday - 
• Mother’s Day - 
• Hari Raya Aidilfitri -
• Christmas -

Activity 3:
Practice the listening and speaking skills with your friend or family member if there are any.
Q: When is your birthday?
A: My birthday is on 10th April.

Q: When is Mother’s Day?
A: It’s on...,

Year 4 CEFR English - Module 3

Welcome to module 3.

Do you know where is Egypt?

Have you heard about the mummy? Do you know how were they made?
Have you heard about the pyramid? Do you know how were they build?
Do you know any king in the ancient Egypt?
Watch this video. It could help you understand the ancient Egypt better.